When resolving a dispute with your tenant remember to keep your eyes on the actual outcome that you are trying to achieve and ask yourself, is pushing the matter to court for the 'principle' or Sunday afternoon BBQ bragging rights really worth it?

When any dispute is heard in a tenancy court/tribunal, a determination is made by an Adjudicator, Magistrate or Registrar based solely on the objective facts.

Their decision then becomes final. Any avenues to appeal are generally both time-consuming and very costly. Therefore, it is often wise to mediate and discuss the matter before considering legal action. This obviously will vary largely on a case-to-case basis and can come down to something as simple as it being a matter of principle for one of the parties, rather than an exercise of maximising the financial outcome. However, as the saying goes 'A large percentage of something is a lot better than a hundred percent of nothing'.

If a dispute arises and an outcome is achieved prior to a hearing that is very close to acceptable, sometimes it is worth considering taking this and moving on, rather than risk a potentially reduced decision being made.