The property owner/manager must ensure the rental premises meet all health and safety requirements.

Smoke alarms saves lives. Reports have found that the risk of death in a house fire is reduced by more than half if properly maintained smoke alarms are installed.

The Fire and Emergency Services (Domestic Smoke Alarms) Amendment Act 2016 (Qld) commenced on 1 January 2017 and imposes additional obligations on property owners/managers with regards to the installation and maintenance of smoke alarms at domestic dwellings.

Landlords must ensure working smoke alarms are installed in their rental properties, in accordance with the Building Code of Australia and Australian Standards. In addition to this, landlords must also ensure smoke alarms are regularly maintained and replaced when faulty or expired. Landlords who do not meet mandated requirements in order to ensure the safety of their tenants can face a multitude of unpleasant and unwanted consequences that, with the right guidance, can be easily avoided. As a Property Manager, Landlords entrust you with one of their greatest investments, which is a sizeable responsibility. Smoke Alarm Solutions aims to ease the burden by ensuring the properties you manage are always compliant with smoke alarm legislation

Failure to take every practical step to ensure the safety of your tenants and property may result in the dismissal of insurance claims for damage, personal injury or loss of life.


From 1 January 2017

When replacing smoke alarms, they must be of a photoelectric type which complies with Australian Standard (AS) 3786-2014.

Existing smoke alarms, manufactured more than 10 years ago, must be replaced (Note: smoke alarms should have the date of manufacture stamped on them).

Smoke alarms that do not operate when tested must be replaced immediately.

Existing hardwired smoke alarms, that need replacing, must be replaced with a hardwired photoelectric smoke alarm.

From 1 January 2022

Smoke alarms in all dwellings must:

  • be photoelectric (AS 3786-2014); and
  • not also contain an ionisation sensor; and
  • be less than 10 years old; and
  • operate when tested; and
  • be interconnected with every other smoke alarm in the dwelling so all activate together; and
  • be either hardwired or powered by a non-removable 10-year battery.

Smoke alarms must be installed on each storey:

  • in each bedroom; and
  • in hallways which connect bedrooms and the rest of the dwelling; or
  • if there is no hallway, between the bedrooms and other parts of the storey; and
  • if there are no bedrooms on a storey, at least one smoke alarm must be installed in the most likely path of travel to exit the dwelling.