Moving House and don’t know where to start?

You're in luck! Here's the only checklist you'll ever need to make sure you get everything done in a timely and organised fashion. Moving house can seem daunting, there's so much to think about and if you're not organised, it can be a very stressful time.

The best thing about moving house is it's a great opportunity to declutter and get rid of the things you haven't used for ages or unpacked since the last move. A big tip is to make sure you remember to get your electricity & internet connected as it can sometimes take a few days, even a week. Use this checklist and you'll be enjoying a glass of your favourite beverage in your beautiful new home in no time…

Moving House Checklist:

1.The Postie

Redirect your mail with Australia Post, cancel or transfer deliveries, home services, newspapers etc.

2. Be Assured, Get Insured

Ensure insurance for contents on the move is in order, Locate personal or valuable items to take with you personally on your moving day.

3. Lights Off, No One's Home

Arrange for all utilities to be finalised on moving day & also connected to your new home.

4. Big Bag Of Goodies To Keep You Sane

Pack a bag with supplies to have with you personally on the day of moving such as a first aid kit, medications, phone chargers, spare change of clothes & toiletries, snacks and water bottles, cleaning items and children's activities.

5. Itemise Like A Pro

Create an itemised inventory of what is packed in each box. On moving day check off all furniture and cartons against your inventory as they go into the truck.

6. Hit The Hay

Unpack your bedding in the new home and make up all the beds as soon as possible – a good nights' sleep will be just what the doctor ordered at the end of a tiring day!