What can you do to ensure a quick tenancy turnaround time on your property?

As your property managers, we want to ensure that your property is leased efficiently and for the highest possible return.

Good tenants are a precious commodity they pay their rent-on time, they look after your property, and they stick around for a long period of time. But as their situations change, even good tenants (unfortunately) need to move on. There are Five key things you can do to give your property the best fighting chance of securing premium return whilst mitigating vacancy periods.

Insider Advice – 5 Key Tips to Ensuring a Quick Tenancy Turnaround Time.

1. Engage A Team With Leasing Focus

When looking for the perfect agency and team to manage your investment, look for one that has a specified leasing team. This ensures when the time comes that your tenant does decide to move on, there is a sole leasing team focused on ensuring your property is marketed promptly and the leasing process is followed with care. Here at Century 21 on Duporth we have a dedicated leasing professional to market your home. We conduct regular open homes, provide feedback after each step of the leasing has occurred but most importantly, we vet all tenant applications with the utmost focus ensuring your new tenants meet our quality tenant expectations. We do all these processes in line with the time sensitivity of the pending tenants vacate to prevent minimal vacancy periods.

2. Professional Photography

This is a must! Showcasing your property in the best possible light will assist in achieving top dollar. Professional photos will result in your listing getting more attention and a quicker tenancy turnaround time. This will give you a huge competitive advantage. In a market of increased stock, it is paramount to ensure your property stands out at represents the value of the weekly rent you are asking for.

3. Online Marketing

Become a featured property on sites such as & As well as, here at Century 21 on Duporth, we are the only agency on the coast that has a global reach. We are finding such a transient of enquiry not only locally but nationally and internationally with expats returning down under. Our global reach ensures we capture that activity and increases the enquiry on your property, in turn increases the competition to ensure we are achieving the highest yield in every market. Good quality online marketing on multiple strongly identified sites, ensures your property remains at the top of the page for your suburb. This will guarantee maximum exposure to potential new tenants.

4.Virtual Tours

In today's market, we are noticing a notable increase in the amount of people moving to our wonderful Sunshine Coast from interstate and overseas. To assist them in viewing your property afar, technology has evolved to allow them to do so via a 3D/360° digital walk through from the comfort of their own homes – allowing potential tenants to understand the layout and space in your property.

5. Signage

Placing a "For Lease" at your property allows the local community to drive past their favourite street and make the move they have been waiting for. Sometimes tenants may not be looking to move but with a 'For Lease' sign it can prompt change. Your home could be located near a loved one that they wish to move closer too or possibly a school zone they have been waiting to tap into.

"These steps are all inclusive in the management service provided by our team here at Century 21 on Duporth as we believe the focus on marketing as well as each step in the leasing process is paramount to achieving the best possible rental yield with whilst ensuring a high quality tenant".